Healthy Vapes: A Dangerous Social Media Trend?
Understanding “Healthy Vapes” A new fad has emerged in the vaping world and taken over social media: “healthy vapes.” Sometimes referred to as “nutritional supplement diffusers” or “vitamin vapes,” these new devices promise big health benefits to those looking to quit using traditional Nicotine vaping devices or add some type of “boost” to their lifestyles.… (0 comment)

How To Celebrate The Holidays While Staying Sober
Preparing For A Sober Holiday Season While the holidays can be a magical time for many of us, for those in recovery (especially early recovery) they can be a source of anxiety, fears of relapse, and a time of feeling even more conspicuous than usual. While our families and friends continue to enjoy the usual… (0 comment)

Kate Baily’s Journey To Sobriety When Kate Baily stopped drinking, she didn’t consider herself “in recovery.” Not yet, at least. Around 10 years ago, when Baily began this journey, there wasn’t a positive public recovery movement in the UK for her to lean into for support. At that time, the drinking narrative in the UK… (0 comment)

Accountability Partners For Porn Addiction
The Importance Of Accountability Partners In Recovery One challenge in overcoming porn addiction is that most individuals have easy access to the internet. Unrestricted access to the internet can not only lead to some dangerous rabbit holes but can also impede an individual’s recovery. However, the solution is not to cease using technology but to… (0 comment)

How To Help Your Teen With Social Media Addiction
Social Media Use: Living In The Digital Era Many young people today live in a technology-driven, “picture-perfect” society where teens are heavily influenced by what they see online. If unregulated or unmonitored, regular social media use can lead to a social media addiction. Teens may endlessly scroll their feeds regardless of any negative effects or… (0 comment)

Back To School: Children’s Mental Health Requires Support
Children’s Mental Health Is Suffering In recent years, mental health has been a growing area of discussion; the beginnings of a global acceptance to what has previously been overlooked or pushed aside. Of particular concern, especially in America, is the state of children’s mental health. While COVID-19 turned the world as we knew it upside… (0 comment)

Why Does Drug And Alcohol Use Spike During the Holidays?
The Connection Between The Holiday Blues And Substance Abuse Whether it is deciding to break open the gifted bourbon from a grateful client, sipping Aunt Sue’s holiday eggnog all evening on Christmas eve, or having more than a few cocktails at the never-ending string of holiday parties, we know that this season of comfort and… (0 comment)