James’ Journey to an Alcohol-Free Life I did the program in 2011, opened a business in 2012, and finished college in 2013 with a degree in Small Business Administration. These are things I would never have been able to do before the program. My advice to anyone who has an alcohol addiction is to get… (0 comment)

A New Life Built on Strength I have not had a drink in 15 years, and I have no desire to start drinking again. I can even be with someone who is having a drink and be happy with my glass of water! I am healthier and can think clearly. I feel like I am… (0 comment)

10 Reasons to Stay Away from Weed 1. Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens, 2. Smoking marijuana can cause lung damage, 3. Marijuana use is addictive, 4. Weed can damage ambition and motivation, 5. Marijuana depletes the body’s natural reserves, 6. Marijuana use is hard on your heart and blood vessels, 7. Weed use impairs mental abilities,… (0 comment)

The 5 Most Common Behavior Traits of an Addict When someone you love is dealing with addiction, the truth can be hard to face. You’re not alone in having a hard time dealing with the personality and behavior changes of the one you love. The list of the most common behaviors below is provided to… (0 comment)

16 Years Sober: David’s Story Today, I am proud to say I have over 16 years of sobriety. I am happily married to my beautiful wife, and we share a wonderful daughter. My family means everything to me, and I am grateful every day for their unwavering support. My mother, brother, and sister stood by… (0 comment)

From Addiction to Stability: My Path to a Sober Life At 12, I took my first drink, setting off a downward spiral through addiction, danger, and alienation. But thanks to my family’s persistence and the Narconon program, I turned my life around. Today, I’m sober, happy, and thriving with my family and career. This is… (0 comment)

Why Alcohol Is The Hardest Drug to Quit You might not think of an alcoholic beverage as a drug, but it actually is. The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages is a drug called ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol. What makes alcohol different from substances like heroin or cocaine is primarily this: it is not… (0 comment)