Drugged Driving in America An examination of recent data regarding drugged driving in the US shows the problem has worsened. And unlike drunk driving, public health officials and law enforcement have yet to establish effective protocols for preventing drugged driving. Read More » Narconon…
Monitoring the Future Survey Showed Drug Abuse Rates Remained Steady Among Young Americans in 2022 The 2022 Monitoring the Future Survey was finalized and published recently. The findings showed no progress in reducing teen substance abuse rates from 2021 to 2022, as rates of substance abuse among young people held steady compared to drug use…
Why Getting Sober Early In Life Is Important Addiction, like many other conditions, is a progressive disease; meaning it worsens over time. The longer somebody uses drugs or alcohol the more likely they are to not only develop a substance use disorder, but also a host of severe health conditions. Additionally, addiction can cause significant…
Sobriety at Summer Parties: Staying Off of Substances When Others Do Not Summer is typically a season when recreational alcohol consumption and drug use increase, along with attendant injuries, accidents, illnesses, and even deaths. For those who are in recovery but still want to maintain social connections, summer is when such individuals must adopt strategies…
‘Sense of Purpose’ a Critical Factor in Substance-Free Living Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania surveyed college students and found that the ‘sense of purpose’ factor was a critical predictor of whether college students drank alcohol excessively. Read More » Narconon…
Pornography’s Impact On Relationships Pornography is a consistently controversial subject in our society. From its increased use, to its expanded accessibility, to the impact it has on us as individuals, pornography is a multi-layered subject that evokes strong feelings from both those for and against its use. However, no matter where you land on the…
Summertime Associated with Highest Risk for Teen Drug Use New research has found that teens are most likely to use drugs for the first time during summer. Parents need to be aware of the unique factors and conditions that put teens at higher risk of drug experimentation during this season, so they can intervene and…
What Enabling an Addict Looks Like: Ten Signs You’re Enabling Your Loved One People who have a family member or loved one addicted to drugs and alcohol usually want to do everything they can to help that person get better, to assist them in breaking free from addiction and achieving a healthy, substance-free life. Read…