You can consolidate credit card debt without hurting your credit by being mindful of your credit utilization and waiting until you have an offer before allowing a lender to do a hard credit inquiry. I think I speak for all humans every where (except for bankers) when I say, credit card debt is the absolute…
Important expansion of debt financing base on the creditshelf platform Additional strategic investor uses creditshelf’s lending platform as powerful access tool to the German market for SME loans Debt capital of EUR 40 mn from the collaboration enables creditshelf to meet loan demand from German SMEs even more efficiently Frankfurt am Main, Germany, January 19,…
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Neonatal abstinence syndrome is a harmful effect of drug addiction. Given the adverse nature of NAS and the many other harmful side effects of substance abuse, women who struggle with drug use should seek help as soon as possible. Read More » Narconon…
Can Biden cancel student debt? And if so, would he actually do it? And and if he would how much would Biden forgive per borrower? These are the kinds of questions circling around student loan debt in the United States right now. The answers are of course, not very clear. But here are a few…
House hacking is worth it when you take the proper precautions, such as doing research on the property you are purchasing, ensuring your property is properly zoned for a rental space, and that your rental areas are up to code. Last year, we bought a house. On our property sits a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom…
Our family had to evacuate twice in 5 months. Once when Hurricane Sally hit the Gulf Coast hard and fast, leaving us without electricity and running water and destroying many, many homes. The second time was in February of 2021 when our family was stuck in Texas during a snowstorm, also without power, while temperatures…
Hope comes in all sizes. Even a shoebox. I vividly remember the day my mom found out about the Samaritan’s Purse ministry, Operation Christmas Child. I was seven. I remember packing dolls and toothbrushes in a shoebox to send to a little girl on the other side of the planet. This is a tradition that…
The History Of Rehab For as long as fruit has rotted on trees, human beings and their ancestors have had alcohol to drink; the history of rehab stretches back longer than we might think. Opium poppies have flowered for thousands of years, Cannabis may have been featured in the rituals of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, and…