The Evolution And History Of Rehab
The History Of Rehab For as long as fruit has rotted on trees, human beings and their ancestors have had alcohol to drink; the history of rehab stretches back longer than we might think. Opium poppies have flowered for thousands of years, Cannabis may have been featured in the rituals of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, and… (0 comment)

If you need prescription medications of any type, there is only one safe way to obtain them: get a prescription from a licensed medical doctor and pick up your pills from a legitimate pharmacy. Any other method such as buying them on the internet, getting them from a friend or obtaining them across the border… (0 comment)

If we knew the consequences of overlooking addiction—and the destruction to individuals, families, businesses, our communities and economy—we might think twice, three times or four times about ignoring it. Indeed, if we really understood how much better our world could be, we might dedicate massive resources to eliminating this social ill. To provide insight into… (0 comment)

The steps one must take to respond to an overdose are not complicated or confusing, and they should be known by all, memorized even. What does a bystander do if they spot someone overdosing on drugs? Beyond calling 911, what can a friend, family member, loved one, or eye witness to an overdose do to… (0 comment)