My husband and I take our role as parents very seriously, and we’re especially interested in providing a solid financial education to our six children. One thing to consider in this financial education is providing debit cards for kids. Even if your children are younger, … Read More The post 10 Best Debit Cards for… (0 comment)

It’s a pretty common thing for young adults to look for ways to make money as a teen. Chances are your parents provide the basics like food and clothing, but they may require you to use your own money to pay for extras like entertainment, … Read More The post 23 Ways to Make Money… (0 comment)

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Neonatal abstinence syndrome is a harmful effect of drug addiction. Given the adverse nature of NAS and the many other harmful side effects of substance abuse, women who struggle with drug use should seek help as soon as possible. Read More » Narconon… (0 comment)

Can Biden cancel student debt? And if so, would he actually do it?  And and if he would how much would Biden forgive per borrower? These are the kinds of questions circling around student loan debt in the United States right now. The answers are of course, not very clear. But here are a few… (0 comment)

Is House Hacking Worth It?
House hacking is worth it when you take the proper precautions, such as doing research on the property you are purchasing, ensuring your property is properly zoned for a rental space, and that your rental areas are up to code.  Last year, we bought a house. On our property sits a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom… (0 comment)