New York Next in Line to Settle Opioid Case with Big Pharma Over the past few years, dozens of lawsuits have culminated in major pharmaceutical companies being held at least somewhat accountable for creating America’s crippling opioid addiction epidemic. Most recently, New York State settled a $ 524 million lawsuit with Teva Pharmaceuticals. While the… (0 comment)

How One Police Chief Is Changing the Conversation Around Addiction A 30-year law enforcement veteran from Newtown, Ohio, Police Chief Tom Synan has stepped up and launched the Hamilton County Addiction Response Coalition, a partnership between law enforcement and behavioral health programs. The coalition’s goal is to shift the addiction response off of law enforcement… (0 comment)

Back To School: Children’s Mental Health Requires Support
Children’s Mental Health Is Suffering In recent years, mental health has been a growing area of discussion; the beginnings of a global acceptance to what has previously been overlooked or pushed aside. Of particular concern, especially in America, is the state of children’s mental health. While COVID-19 turned the world as we knew it upside… (0 comment)