How To Help Your Teen With Social Media Addiction
Social Media Use: Living In The Digital Era Many young people today live in a technology-driven, “picture-perfect” society where teens are heavily influenced by what they see online. If unregulated or unmonitored, regular social media use can lead to a social media addiction. Teens may endlessly scroll their feeds regardless of any negative effects or… (0 comment)

Drug Addiction Is a Serious Problem for Teens and Senior Citizens Too People often think of drug addiction as primarily a problem for adults, especially adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. However, three recently published studies highlight how the addiction epidemic is expanding to include age demographics that previously did not struggle with drug… (0 comment)

Health Experts Sound the Alarm Over Allergy Meds Found in Street Opioids Newly published research has produced evidence of yet another drug risk, i.e., allergy medications being added to illicit street opioids. This development poses an increased risk to users, as antihistamines have a drowsiness effect, which, when coupled with the depressant nature of opioids,… (0 comment)