Why Do Drug Overdoses Spike During Winter? A Look at Cold Weather-Related Risk Factors Research has shown a possible connection between cold weather and a heightened risk for overdose. Several factors may contribute to this, like cold weather making it more likely addicts will use drugs at home by themselves, therefore being less likely to…
The post 10 Best Places To Sell VHS Tapes appeared first on Well Kept Wallet. Well Kept Wallet…
Talk to Young People About Drugs and Alcohol With new findings suggesting drug use is more dangerous for youths now than ever before, parents must do everything possible to prevent their kids from experimenting with mind-altering substances. This effort begins by having conversations with kids, and by helping them understand why they should avoid using…
The post Trust And Will Review: Is It Worth It to Save On Legal Documents appeared first on Well Kept Wallet. Well Kept Wallet…
Kate Baily’s Journey To Sobriety When Kate Baily stopped drinking, she didn’t consider herself “in recovery.” Not yet, at least. Around 10 years ago, when Baily began this journey, there wasn’t a positive public recovery movement in the UK for her to lean into for support. At that time, the drinking narrative in the UK…
Prescription Drug Take Back Day Provides Opportunity to Make Homes Safer One of the most common ways young people experiment with prescription drugs for the first time is by finding the drugs in the family medicine cabinet and consuming them. Parents might not think there’s any harm in keeping certain pharmaceuticals in the home, but…
The post 14 Best Types of Investment Vehicles appeared first on Well Kept Wallet. Well Kept Wallet…
Quitting Alcohol Can Produce Positive Outcomes Even During Advanced Illness After years of misusing drugs and alcohol and experiencing the long-term health crises that come from such use, many addicts may feel like there is no hope for them, and there’s no longer any point in seeking help or even trying to cease drug use.…