Feeling Better Day by Day One of our graduates tells his story of how he used drugs everyday and finally got tired of it. He called Narconon and graduated the program. Now he is sober, happy, and appreciates the little things in life. Read More » Narconon… (0 comment)

How To Celebrate The Holidays While Staying Sober
Preparing For A Sober Holiday Season While the holidays can be a magical time for many of us, for those in recovery (especially early recovery) they can be a source of anxiety, fears of relapse, and a time of feeling even more conspicuous than usual. While our families and friends continue to enjoy the usual… (0 comment)

Talk to Young People About Drugs and Alcohol With new findings suggesting drug use is more dangerous for youths now than ever before, parents must do everything possible to prevent their kids from experimenting with mind-altering substances. This effort begins by having conversations with kids, and by helping them understand why they should avoid using… (0 comment)

Kate Baily’s Journey To Sobriety When Kate Baily stopped drinking, she didn’t consider herself “in recovery.” Not yet, at least. Around 10 years ago, when Baily began this journey, there wasn’t a positive public recovery movement in the UK for her to lean into for support. At that time, the drinking narrative in the UK… (0 comment)