Recovery As Rebirth: Daniella Park’s Story
Into Oblivion Years ago, Daniella Park would have told you she was living a life straight out of a movie. As the daughter of two television industry parents who traveled the world, Daniella was able to pursue any dream that ever crossed her mind. With an impressive resume that included stunt actress, publicist for the… (0 comment)

Marijuana Users Suffer Lower Blood Flow to the Brain than Non-Users A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease examined blood flow to the brain, and it found that heavy marijuana users consistently have lower-than-normal blood flow levels than non-users. That puts them at risk for insufficient oxygen levels in the brain, which can… (0 comment)

Why Choose Online Therapy? While online therapy services have been around for decades, they have exploded in popularity in the years following the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the American Psychiatric Association, six out of ten Americans say they would use Telehealth services for mental or behavioral health concerns. With online therapy becoming many peoples’ first… (0 comment)

Brace Yourself: A Tsunami of Psychedelic Drug Use May Be Coming Technology workers’ use of psychedelic drugs in an attempt to boost productivity has been followed by more calls for medical testing and legalization. But psychedelic use is associated with delusions, psychosis, paranoia, and physical and mental harm that can be permanent. Read More »… (0 comment)

The Essential Support Needed After Rehab for Long-Term Sobriety What support is needed to help an individual transition from drug rehab to a sober life? Family and friends waiting for their loved one to complete rehab may forget that rehab is only the first step on that person’s journey back to lasting sobriety. Read More… (0 comment)

The First Introduction As An Addict “I’m Dan, and I’m an addict.” That was how I introduced myself during the first group session I attended after I entered a treatment facility in late 2006. This proclamation was the first time I admitted aloud to being “an addict” after using alcohol and other drugs for 35… (0 comment)