The Importance of Intervention Before Hitting Rock Bottom Addiction does not happen overnight. Usually, there is a dwindling spiral aspect to it, where-in one begins to gradually lose control over their use of mind-altering substances. While most intervention approaches have historically focused on people who are already addicted to drugs or alcohol, it would be…
A Day To Remember For most people, photos from their wedding day are among some of their most cherished memories, capturing moments from a day filled with happiness, love, and joy. For Jen Hirst, however, photos from her wedding day serve as a reminder of one of the hardest days of her life, and sadly,…
Key Factors Creating the Highest Overdose Risk Among Drug Users Certain drug combinations, habits, and even mental or physical health conditions greatly increase the risk of fatal drug overdose. Learn the factors that create the biggest risks. Read More » Narconon…
How Do I Spot Fentanyl and the Chemicals That Make It? A news story broke recently of an Arizona drug bust in which, unlike most drug busts, the agents did NOT seize fentanyl that had been trafficked from Mexico or China. Rather, the agents seized batches of chemicals intended to produce fentanyl right here in…
Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use at All-Time Highs for Young Americans According to the recently published 2022 Monitoring the Future Survey, even though overall drug use did not increase among youths between 2021 and 2022, certain drug types did become increasingly more popular, namely cannabis and hallucinogens. Read More » Narconon…
Research Continues to Show There Are No Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol A scientific paper was recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Administration highlighting new data that shows alcohol consumption has no health benefits whatsoever. Further, the study showed that any amount of drinking, even in “moderation,” poses risks for health harm.…
Cough Suppressant Now a Leading Cause of ER Visits for Young People One of the most common predictors of drug addiction is using mind-altering substances in one’s youth. A recent study has shown that children and teens are increasingly being sent to the ER for overdoses of cough suppressants. Read More » Narconon…
Law Enforcement Shifts Tactics as Dark Web Becomes the New Marketplace for Drug Trafficking In May 2023, a multinational effort by U.S. and European law enforcement officials led to nearly 300 drug traffickers being arrested in several countries and $ 53 million in contraband being seized. Read More » Narconon…