Stress Takes the Lead as a Primary Reason Why Young People Turn to Drugs and Alcohol For years, peer pressure was recognized as the most common factor that precipitated youth drug use, particularly first-time drug use. However, a recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has cited stress as now…
Codeine: Addictive and Potentially Dangerous What began as a seemingly innocent cough medicine is now increasingly known for its mind-altering and addictive properties. People should understand what codeine is, and they should also know that the Food and Drug Administration changed how it monitors codeine. Codeine is addictive, evidenced by the people who’ve become hooked…
Youth Drug Use Not Increasing, But Far More Dangerous and Deadly Despite a decline in overall drug use among teenagers, fatal drug overdoses among teens have spiked. Why has this happened? Drug trafficking organizations first discovered how easy it was to manufacture illicit fentanyl and then learned to press it into tens of millions of…
What Is the Scope of Synthetic Cannabinoid Abuse Today? Synthetic cannabinoids are a relatively new drug of concern, a man-made substance similar to cannabis but made in a lab. Such drugs often produce very different effects than one might expect from cannabis, and users can rarely predict what chemicals will be in any given batch…
Synthetic Drugs Increasingly a Problem for Young Americans This article defines what synthetic drugs are, focusing on synthetic cathinones, synthetic cannabinoids, and synthetic opioids. The article also presents evidence showing how these substances have become increasingly popular in the 21st century, especially among young Americans in their teens and twenties. Read More » Narconon…
What Is the Scope of Club Drug Experimentation Today? Club drugs refer to a category of drugs often associated with nightclubs, dance parties, music festivals, and raves. The drugs became prominent in the 1990s, and the use of such substances is still quite common. Some studies report an increase in interest in club drugs, especially…
Meth Addiction Now a Leading Cause of Drug-Related Death Methamphetamine addiction has been a problem plaguing Americans for decades. However, it has only been in recent years that meth overdose deaths began to outstrip usual figures by alarming proportions. The spike in meth-related deaths has coincided with the addition of potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl…
Statistics on Heroin Addiction, One of America’s Longest-Lasting Addiction Nightmares This article defines what heroin is, lists the many side effects users experience, and shows the trajectory of heroin addiction over time. Heroin is one of the longest-lasting drug problems in the country, and it is still a serious issue today. Read More » Narconon…